Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We've been married NINE years!

This post has added a few things to my "to-do" list.
1. scan in pictures from our wedding to our external hard drive. Of the thousands of pictures we have saved on the drive, not a one of them has a pic from our wedding day 9 years ago. I decided this was the next best thing, u s on our honeymoon in Tahoe. It is kind of fitting seeing that we are expecting snow in a few days.
2. Convert our wedding videos to DVD. I am embarrased to admit that our wedding footage is on VHS. Can't even enjoy a few laughs watching our wedding party dance because we don't have a VCR.
3. In reviewing a folder of pics that I have labled "Wes & Jamie" - pics of only the 2 of us, I was reminded of so many of our fun times together. I must make sure that though the kids take up the majority of our time and focus, we must take the time to enjoy each other.

Wes - I love you with all my heart. Thank you for 9 great years!

1 comment:

The Schramm Clan said...

awe:) It has flown by!! Happy anniversary