Tuesday, July 8, 2014

1st stop - Progresso

Wes and I had been on this cruise route before so we had an idea of what to expect when we docked in Progresso.  It's a poor Mexican town that relies on cruise ship tourists.  As soon as we set foot off the shuttle, there were people wanting us to buy their "precious" goods.... sunglasses, hats, bags, and something new that we didn't get offered last time, massages on the beach -$10 for 30 minutes.  They didn't always take "no" for an answer, so we had to just walk away.

We quickly made it through the market place and walked down to the beach where we found a table, umbrella, and a few Coronas and bottle Coca Colas.  The kids headed out into the beach and found a ton of sea shells and made a few friends from the ship.

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